Thursday, September 17, 2009

Internet Crimes

In 2007 IC3 received at total of 2773 complaints from the state of Minnesota. The top ten complaints from Minnesota being: Auction Fraud, non-delivery of merchandise, check fraud, confidence fraud, credit card fraud, computer fraud, financial institutions fraud, Nigerian letter fraud, identity theft, and finally threats. The top dollar loss occurred in non-delivery of merchandise, and this cost the victim $448,040.00, while state losses all together were reported at $3.9 million. The median loss for each crime was: Auction Fraud: $506.00, Non-delivery: $386.00, Check fraud: $3,134.00, Confidence fraud: $1209.86, Credit card fraud: $210.40, Computer fraud: $2,000.00, Financial institutions fraud: $1858.00, Nigerian letter fraud: $3,000.00, Identity theft: $1,137.41, and Threats: $1,500. The total median dollar loss for all the complaints was $866.99. Of the crimes committed in Minnesota in 2007, males carried out 77.3%, while females carried out 22.7%. Per 100,000 population Minnesota ranks 38th highest at 16.95 while ranking 26th on total number of perpetrators identified as residing in Minnesota. This total accounts for 1.2% of all complaints where the perpetrator was identified. Of all the complaints in Minnesota, 56.7% of them were Male, and 43.3% of them were called in by females. Complaints called in by people under 20 made up 3.4% of all total complaints, while 20-29 year olds made up 22.2%, 30-39 year olds made up 23.6%, 40-49 year olds made up 24.5%, 50-59 year olds made up 17.9%, and people over 60 contributed with *.4% of the total complaints made in Minnesota in 2007. The amount of money lost per group, per complaint, looks like this: under 20 year olds lost $400.00, 20-29 year olds lost $525.98, 30-39 year olds lost $650.00, 40-49 year olds lost $1,200.00, 50-59 year olds lost $1,000.00, while 60 and older folks lost $930.00. Per 100,000 population Minnesota ranks 28th highest at 53.35 while also ranking 23rd on total number of complainants identified as residing in Minnesota. This total accounts for only 1.6% of all complainants in the United States.

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